2021 Conference
Seminar online organized by Faculty of Social Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Online International Seminar on Circumpolarity and Extreme Environments: Arctic & Antarctica
Organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Salvador (Argentina), this international seminar on October 27th, 2021 was held with the participation of professors Dr Helgi Gunnlaugsson (University of Iceland), Dr Jan Borm (University of Versailles), Dr Albina Lara (University of Salvador, Argentina) and Dr. Enrique del Acebo Ibáñez (University of Salvador, Argentina) who was the organizer and coordinator.
2021 International online IACSI-ICO Workshop on Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues
On Tuesday December 7, a IACSI-ICO conference was held online at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Universidad del Salvador, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the participation of researchers from France, Russia, Canada, Argentina,Iceland, Switzerland, and Finland.
2019 Conference
University of Iceland
In April 1-3, 2019, the III International Circumpolar Observatory (ICO) Conference was held at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík: “THE ‘EXTREME’: Extreme conditions and situations in the North, the extreme South, the Arctic and the Antarctic”, under the auspices and collaboration of the International Association of Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues (IACSI), the Universidad del Salvador (PIECA-Faculty of Social Sciences), the Université du Québec à Montréal (International Laboratory for the Multidisciplinary Study of Representations of the North), the University of Iceland and the Université de Versailles (Paris, France).
2018 Conference
International Workshop, Yakutia, Siberia, Russia
From November 30th to December 1st, 2018, was run the International and Interdisciplinary Workshop “L’avantage du froid” (Cold as an advantage) at the North-Eastern Federal University M.K. Ammosov, Sakha Republic, Yakutia (Siberia, Russia), in collaboration with the International Circumpolar Observatory (ICO), the Laboratory of the Complex Geocultural Study of the Arctic, the International Laboratory for the Multidisciplinary Study of Representations of the North (UQAM), the University of Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines (Université Paris-SACLAY), and the UArctic thematic network “World Images of Indigenous Peoples of the North.

Formal opening of the International Workshop in Yakutia, Siberia, Russia

2017 Conference
Conference Week in Montreal in Canada

2016 Conference
International Workshop on Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues in Buenos Aires and Tierra del Fuego

An International Workshop on Circumpolar Socio-cultural Issues was inaugurated In the city of Buenos Aires (Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad del Salvador), continuing in the cities of Ushuaia and Rio Grande (University of Tierra del Fuego), April 2016
On April 18-22, 2016, an International Workshop on Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues, was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Universidad del Salvador (USAL) and at the University of Tierra del Fuego in Ushuaia and Rio Grande cities. In Buenos Aires, the INTERNATIONAL CIRCUMPOLAR OBSERVATORY (ICO) was launched integrated by former IACSI members and new partners, creating the ICO Directive and Scientific committees.
2014 Conference
Workshop, University of Iceland
On September 25-26, 2014, the 4th International Workshop on Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues was held at the University of Iceland, organized by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University of Iceland and the International Program on Circumpolarity, Antartica and Extreme Environments (PIECA, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad del Salvador, Argentina), and under the auspices of IACSI.
2010 Conference
University of Buenos Aires
On November 16-18, 2010, the First International Meeting on Northern and Southern Circumpolarities: Socioeconomic and Socio-cultural Approaches, was held in Buenos Aires (Argentina) under the auspices of the CICLOP (Research Center on Local Communities, Participation & Social Policy), Faculty of Economics Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, the International Center for the Patrimony and Heritage (CICOP), and IACSI.
2007 Conference
University of Oulu, Finland
On November 30, 2007, the 3rd International Workshop on Circumpolar Socio-cultural Issues, was held at the University of Oulu (Finland), organized by the Thule Institute of this University and the IACSI.

Dr Kari Line, Director of the THULE INSTITUTE, University of Oulu, and Dr Enrique del Acebo Ibáñez, University of Salvador (Argentina) (Oulu, Finland, 2007)
2006 Conference
University of Iceland
On April 7th, 2006, the 2nd International Workshop on Circumpolar Socio-cultural Issues, was held at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík, organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences of this University, the Icelandic Sociological Association, and IACSI.

Prof. Hólmfríður Garðarsdóttir giving presentation about travel literature as social representation.

Prof. Enrique del Acebo Ibañez telling us about the young people’s rootedness in their localities in Argentine cities.

Prof. Helgi Gunnlaugsson giving presentation about crimes in Iceland
Conference about Russian and East-European issues in Lapland, Rovaniemmi
The Conference about Russian and East-European issues was held at the University of Lapland, Rovaniemmi (March 2006).

Enrique del Acebo Ibañez (University of Salvador / UBA-CONICET), Olga Povoroznyuk (Russian Academy of Sciences), Florian Stammler (SPRI,University of Cambridge, UK) and Anna Stammler-Gossmann, Arctic Center, University of Lapland), at the Conference about Russian and East-European issues, University of Lapland, March 2006
2005 Conference
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
On April 26th, 2005, the 1st International Workshop on Circumpolar Socio-Cultural Issues, was held at the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), organized by the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy of this University and IACSI.

Miikka Pyykkönen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland), Helgi Gunnlaugsson (University of Iceland) and Enrique del Acebo Ibáñez (University of Salvador, Argentina) during a break at the international Workshop on Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues held in 2005 at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

I International Workshop on Circumpolar Sociocultural Issues, University of Jyväskylä (Finland). Presentation of Miikka Pyykkönen in one of the Round Tables. Jyväskylä, 2005

Marja Järvelä and Miikka Pyykkönen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland), and Enrique del Acebo Ibáñez (University of Salvador, Argentina).